Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Sweet Sixteen Style 45th Birthday...

These girly cakes were made for LauraBeth's 45th Birthday celebration! They were a yummy carrot cake with pink cream cheese frosting covered with roses and pearls. This was definitely one of my favorite orders. LauraBeth told me she wanted to go "Sweet 16" with the theme, but to keep in mind that this was "more of a sophisticated 16-year old." Love it.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Belated Hippos

I have been so ridiculously busy that I have kind of neglected this blog. I haven't baked in a couple weeks either... it's depressing. hahaha everything goes on hold for school (boo!)

Here's some more Hippos that I did a few weeks ago for the Morrison's son's girlfriend's 18th birthday =) Apparently, she is a huge fan of hippos, and hippos are apparently not an easy animal to find on anything (I did not know this... then again, I haven't spent very much time shopping for hippo things)


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Craving Chocolate Dipped Banana Cupcakes

I don't think there is anything more irritating than craving chocolate and not having any around....

I keep sweets out of my cubicle for a reason though...I'm a sweet tooth, and I have no self control.

I made these Chocolate Dipped Banana cupcakes a couple of weeks ago, and I really wish they were still around... *sigh*


To Order, Email me at:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rocky Road

This is a flavor I knew people like my dad would love (and he did...he ate a row). What I was surprised to discover is that I loved this flavor as much as I did. It is not the easiest to eat (definitely a knife and fork cupcake), but its so worth it. It starts off with my favorite chocolate cake, and is topped with a homemade rocky road-esque mixture of marshmallows, walnuts, and chocolate, and finally, a dollop of marshmallow frosting. 

Just try and fit your mouth around it... haha

To order, email me at

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Boyfriend Makes My Cupcakes Look Good

Having a photographer-boyfriend is pretty awesome....I baked all day saturday....and then we had a cupcake photoshoot since quite a few of you have been asking for photos of my flavors. Now...I wish that I could say I was in a good mood during the photoshoot, but I was pretty darn tired. Good thing Luke is so patient =)

The photos all turned out great, and they will appear on here from time to time, but I don't have time to load any more now so....check back later haha


Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Happy Hippo Birthday for Joy

It's funny....I've had a bunch of animal-related cupcake orders in the past few weeks. First with the ladybugs (which is technically less of an animal and more of a bug but whatever), then the monkey cupcakes (whose pics are still held hostage in Luke's camera...) and then hippos. A friend of mine from my class this summer ordered these crazy little cakes for her friend Joy's birthday. Joy happens to be a HUGE fan of hippos, so naturally her cupcakes should have hippos on top. haha I think my favorite part of this order was definitely when they came to pick the cupcakes up...I don't think Joy knew that there would be hippos on them haha There was a lot of high pitched excitement =)

Vanilla Hippo Cupcakes

For Questions or to Place an Order, Email me at:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Ordering Info =)

There is now an official email address to for ordering BreCakes =) (I know...its super original haha)

And a couple of people were asking if I had an order form...I do officially have an order form that will be filled out partially by me and then sent to the customer to complete. 

So for clarification: to put in a cupcake or cake order, email me at We will decide on flavors designs etc, and I will send you the order form with the price quote. If you are happy with this, fill out the rest of the form and send it back to me.

Also, I need to know about the order at least a week in advance for cupcake orders and at least two weeks in advance for cake orders so that I can make my schedule work! 

Thanks guys!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Allyson =)

My good friend Allyson turned 26 yesterday! We celebrated her birthday at Left Bank....and we definitely smuggled these cupcakes in so that they wouldn't charge us a $3 per cupcake "cake cutting" fee...hahaha. They must not eat cupcakes very often because if they did, they would know that with a cupcake, there is no cutting involved. However, I would like to say: thank you Left Bank for leaving to-go boxes so conveniently on the counter where Luke could grab a few. They were very convenient for the guests who wished to take their cupcake to-go....haha
Anyways, Allyson saw a version of these cupcakes in the Martha Stewart book and had to have them, so I made them. They were a lot of work, but totally worth it because they turned out darling, and Allyson was happy =) 

When Raspberry Drop Cakes get taken over by Ladybugs...

For Questions or to Place an Order contact me at :

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sugar Sugar Sugar

I've become sort of a crazy baking lady... I started baking (seriously baking) a little more than a year I'm new, but dedicated. Occasionally I will bake something other than cake, but I've really always been a cake girl. When I was 2, I was at my best friend's birthday party, and I fell of the jungle gym. I broke my arm and had to leave the party to go get it x-rayed. I was so afraid that I was going to miss the birthday cake that I made my parents take me back to the party before going to the doctor. It must be in my blood.

I now bake for almost whatever occasion calls for something baked. This is a problem. My family loves my stuff, but I've realized that I can't bake constantly just for us, otherwise I will constantly have the opportunity and desire to consume my body weight in sugar. So I decided that maybe I should sell these sugar creations of mine. It has taken a lot of convincing to actually get me going because I don't like to advertise myself at ALL. I am getting over this though, and I am now selling my cupcakes and cakes! 

Below are just a few of my favorite cakes and cupcakes! 

Sticky Chocolate with Marshmallow:

Strawberry with Vanilla Roses

Turtle Cupcakes (Devil's Food topped with Home-made Fudge, and Home-made Caramel over Caramel Buttercream with Pecan)

Chocolate and Red Velvet Layered cake with Buttercream and Sugar Roses for the BCM Girls Bible Study:

Present Cake for the Tessa's birthday Chocolate w/Pink Buttercream

Contact me for details: